13 November 2011

In the cross-road of “Industrial Mindset”: part-II

                 In the cross-road of “Industrial Mindset”: part-II

        The exam system is designed for mass processing. Thus the criteria of evaluation, gradually trends to focus from subject to objective information’s. And the emphasis of objective criteria pushes out subjective knowledge. The entire worth is determined by answer to questions useful to pass exams, without bothering to understand… The facilitators try to drill the information’s, student learns by repetitions…

        The school’s charges higher fees, because it guarantees higher percentage, by selection of higher performing student, who will meet the demand of school’s reputation. At kindergarten starts entrances, forcing abstract thought processes before it is ready for them. This resulted to skip stages of its intermediate development and ends up in various mental perversions, depression… worldwide crisis; even dyslexia…arises as a side effect of Industrial minded organization & operations.

        Take a student’s daily routine, teacher and student ratio, can’t able to ask questions, after school additional fees & tuition, at the end parents takes the troubles to meet and explain as necessary! This industrial system ends repeating the process three times, losses of time, money and energy…

        As such, all over the world are driven to suicide out of stress, competition & fear of exam…

        Ultimately this mindset peoples will take charge of the family, society & nation, placed themselves from administration to bureaucracy, technocracy to judiciary, education to research, politics to business…again through the matured industrial mindset phenomenon… survival of the fittest!...Yes! Democratically!!

        Some achieves brilliant carriers, prosperous lives, lucrative jobs, and social renowned. But does it shapes feeling & ways in life?... Do all able to materialize the ideal in life and character?...or achieve central aim of humanity, values, faith, truth, moral, peace, love & knowledge?

        Can we find out a way to seek a mindset which innate to knowing by hearts & mind both? Otherwise it is not only difficult, rather impossible to correct the many interdependent distortions arising from the industrial mindset…

         In fact, the centre of intellectual gravity remain unsatisfactory or surpassing difficulty, rather hopelessly inadequate to the pressing demands of the present…and for greater demand of our future…

        Thus, if we want to penetrate down to fundamentals, then we need ‘Change’ towards march of truth & perfection, a higher individual, human destiny, endeavor to create a new World…International peace, if humanity is to survive and arrive at its fulfillment…

        Therefore, search for a new road for education, whose aims & method thought afresh! is essential. This search is describes from time to time by different genius & scholars.

        The Industrial concept, pattern, structure & overall scenario have been changing to accommodate the global demand; i.e. a right person, in a right place, at right time and for right job…
        Without quality education & quality human capital, growth and development of a country cannot be sustainable…
        Hope my readers will think & act accordingly...

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