22 September 2011

Legacy in the Brain that builds Thoughts!!

        Already, I displayed two posts on the activities in the brain namely: Layer’s of mind & its collaborations and Mind works through Brain!’...

        Now, I like to share some scientific information’s on this vibrant control center.

        It is the mind that we what we are today. It is how we conceive thoughts, emotions, ideas & reason. We have it to create language, religion, government, technology & capital…

        It has been established, that human share 99% of their DNA with chimpanzees, so whatever makes us human lies in that remaining 1%? Although it seems very small, the reality is that a genetic difference of even one percent leads to astounding differentiation. If scaled up, it means a divergence of 15 million genetic bases or ‘letters’ out of roughly 3 billion that make up the human genome! These differences in genetic combination's are what differentiate us from all other species…

A panoramic view of Ellora
        The human brain shares most of the different cell types along with their chemical messages with most vertebrate species. We also share the general organization of the different structures in the brain’s outer most layers or cerebral cortex with several members of the primate family. Where we differ is the relative size of particular regions of the cortex and how these regions connect, differences that gives us our uniqueness. These differences in brain wiring have enabled the mental faculties distinctive of our species and give us traits that distinguish us from other animals…

        According to Prof. Mark Hauser of Harvard University, professor of psychology, the human mind is separated from those an animals by four characteristic traits:

        The Generative Computation: Is what enables us to create a virtually limitless variety of words, concepts and things. It is made up of two types of operation, recursive and combination. The recursive is the repeated use of a rule to create new expressions, while combination operation is the mixing of discrete elements to generate new ideas that can be expressed as novel words or musical forms, among other possibilities.

        The Promiscuous Combination of Ideas: This trait, allows us to combine different domains of knowledge, such as art, space, causality, sex and friendship, thereby enabling us to construct new laws, social relationship and technologies.

        The Mental Symbols: It allows us to encode both real and sensory experience, thus forming the basis for a rich and complex system of communication that allows us to keep the symbols to ourselves or express these to others in the form of words or pictures.

        The Abstract Thought: What permits us to contemplate things beyond what we can see, hear, touch or smell. We alone can ponder the universe, God, infinity and death, among other abstract concepts.

        The major transformation that led to the make-up of modern human probably took place during a relatively brief period of evolutionary history between 8000,000 and 50,000 years ago.

        Yet, even with all these incredible findings and theories, the roots of cognitive abilities remain largely unknown and the reason behind the transformation of human minds and amalgamation of specific characteristic remain a mystery. 
        The hope is that with the discovery of unique traits of the human mind, scientists know what to look for and will eventually figure out how genes build brains thoughts and emotions. The human mind may have some way to go before it reaches its complete potential, and the present box or bubble that defines the limits of its capabilities may continue to evolve and remodel our genome to give birth to a novel mind, possessing abilities that we cannot even begin to imagine…

        Let's hope for the best, till then make your permutation & combination's, correlation and cross-correlations freely...

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